Does the Bible mention Atlantis?

You may be surprised! While the Bible does not mention Atlantis by the name Atlantis, more and more scholars are piecing together “proof” of Atlantis by focusing on Biblical statements, in particular about the flood of Noah’s time. The Bible does speak of the first city to be demolished by the flood. We all know […]
Is Bimini Road Evidence of Atlantis?

Do you believe in prophecy? Do you think someone is capable of accurately predicting things days, months, years or even centuries prior to the event occurring? Renowned seer Edward Cayce was known for predictions while he slept. What kind of signals was he getting that proved so accurate? How does it even work? Do those […]
Are Prophesies Relevant Today?

Most of the time, when we think about ancient adventures, we probably at some point will come across a prophecy. So what is prophecy? According to Wikipedia it is: In religion, a prophecy is a message that has been communicated to a person by a supernatural entity. Prophecies are a feature of many cultures and […]