Most of us, with a sense of awe, think of Atlantis rising as a beautiful and gentle rise from sparkling waters. We dream of glorious and advanced buildings emerging ever so gracefully from the depths of the ocean. We picture in our minds, the mystical colors glistening off columns of pearl as they majestically crest our waters. We might even fantasize about new continental travel in order to visit such a marvel.
But is that REALLY how it would go?
According to most scientists, it definitely is NOT the way it would happen.
As I delved into this a little more, I felt much like the movie watcher that goes online to read the ending of the movie before seeing it. I felt a little guilty at the thought and more than a little curious as to what others think about the subject.
Here is the opinion of a Quora user and seems to tidily sum up what most seem to think.
Environmental Activist
“The Atlantis continent would be a jungle, much like a hybrid between the African Safari Lands and The Amazon Rainforest, due to thousands of years left untouched. A major, cataclysmic tectonic shift would occur, causing continents to move and millions to die. The seas would overflow and most volcanoes and supervolcanoes would erupt. This reign of terror brought about by the rise of Atlantis would devastate the world, leaving nowhere safe!
The huge tectonic shift would likely make Yellowstone Supervolcano erupt, leaving the Americas absolutely torched, scarred by the supereruption. Clouds of ash, smoke, and pyroclaztic flow would loom over the world. Any survivors would now die of poisoning or suffocation. The overflowing seas would drown more and more animals and people by the second.
Finally, the tiny amount of hypothetical survivors would probably venture to the Atlantean Continent to try and find a way of ending the terror. But it would be impossible. The world has ended and the last few humans can only wait to die…”
***While I am not so sure Mr. Vlad is completely correct, it would seem that many have also prophesied the rise of the continent. There are literally thousands of stories prophesying the rise of this continent.
For those of us who slept through geography class, a continent is huge. Not small like a state, for example Texas, in the United States. A continent is like the whole of the United States.
Of note, the eruption of Yellowstone likely would happen with that type of movement beneath the ocean. This would cause ash to cover the sun and apparently that would cause some chaos. I wonder if it would cause nuclear reactors to fail?
We will surely get to see at least this humble writer’s thoughts on it in upcoming volume’s of “Warriors of Atlanteon”.
Be sure and see how it all started by picking up the first book in the series “Warriors of Atlanteon-The General’s Charge” on sale now at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Wal-Mart and most book sellers.
Let us know what you think in the comments section. Would Atlantis rising be a miracle or a curse? You tell us!