What’s your take on Atlantis?


What’s your take on Atlantis?

Is it real or is it a myth?

How do some people claim to know deep, down inside that Atlantis is real? These people will tell you that they KNOW. They do not say “maybe”, or “I don’t know” or “who knows”? This group of people say that they KNOW that Atlantis existed and was very real.

Others, say it is a theory, like so many other stories. Some say it is just a myth, while others say other than an obscure mention in an ancient manuscript, there is no evidence it ever existed.

Then you have the types like Edgar Cayce, who claim they are able to tap into “vibes” directly from Atlantis. You have shipmen who claim to have seen mermaids or mermen, while others say sirens have tried to lure them to their doom on the ocean waves.

Do all of these, or any of these come from the fabled Atlantis? Is there yet something in many of our subconscious minds that keeps this knowledge away from our conscious minds? If so, why? Was it that the technology was so much more than we can imagine, that it is not yet time for it to come forth into the modern era? Will it perhaps shock our vain, egotistical inner selves to know we really are not the most advanced beings in the universe?

And what if the time for the rise of Atlantis is imminent?

Beki Stewart’s book, “The Warriors of Atlanteon-The General’s Charge” will hold you spell bound as the tale is spun of just such an event.

It is available in our shop and on Amazon and many other vendor sites. Check it out today!

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